hi y'all. i'm hannah. i'm a new mom living in chicago with my hubby, mike, baby girl, charlie, and two insane puppies, linden and quincy. i work as the director of operations for a few fertility clinics but i also teach yoga and irish dance in my free time. i'm an avid traveler and political junkie, too. all of these things make up who i am and i've wanted to bring them all together in one place for quite some time...so, welcome. habejo comes from ha(nnah) be(th) jo(hnson)...i created it as my instagram handle years ago and then it morphed into a nickname i can't seem to escape (though i love it, i won't lie). i'm pretty sure mike calls me habejo over hannah about 83% of the time.
i created this site simply as a place to record my thoughts on a variety of things that interest me: mainly travel, parenting, fertility and yoga. some political chatter and general randomness will likely ensue, as well.
they say for a blog to be successful, it should be detailed and focused. so it's a great thing i'm not looking to be successful! :) i have lots of things to say about lots of things and i think a small fraction of what i have to say may be helpful to a new mom, aspiring yogi or someone looking to fulfill their wanderlust. the rest is just fodder for my kids to mock me with down the line.
also: the fact that i don't use capital letters is going to seriously piss off my parents.